
What you will get with a Subscription Package:

I will read through your documents, looking for spelling/typos, punctuation goofs, and word spacing errors (formatting).

I will flag these for you to fix with my suggestions.

Then, I will send that copy back to you with my suggestions and edits, for you to move forward with. We will schedule a time for you to return it to me for a final look, if necessary. 

We can use Microsoft Word: Track Changes or Google Docs Suggestions. For graphics and carousels, please send a pdf.

When is your text ready for proofreading?

After you have made any changes a copyeditor may have suggested and it is in its final formatting, you are ready to hit send, print, or post! But send it to me first! You have read your newsletter, blog, article, graphic, or caption several times, and you know what it is saying. A fresh set of eyes with a curious mind will catch things! I love the fast pace of proofreading for a business!

Book a connection call with me to see if we would make a great team and set up your perfect subscription package!

Captions Package: Proofreading cations for social media accounts. 4 captions per month, $75 + booking fee.

Newsletters & Email Package: Proofreading newsletters and emails. 4 per month, 300 words max per entry. $80 + booking fee.

Blogs & Articles Package: Proofreading 4 blogs or articles per month at 600 words per entry, $90 + booking fee.