About Vicki

Hi! I'm Vicki.

I have always been able to find the words super fast in a word search, a typo, or a misspelled word in any book, and I enjoy digging into storylines. I love reading books before seeing the movie because I make a much better producer in my head! Do you, too? And if it doesn't make sense, I am not afraid to go back and figure it out. I also love a good chocolate chip cookie, heavy on the chips!

I'm a wife and mom, a daughter and a sister, all of those things. Around my corporate 9-5, I copyedit and proofread for indie authors and business owners. I enjoy long walks with my husband, with and without our dogs. Being outside is my favorite, except in the bitter winter cold or icy rain! That's not unusual for most people, but in Utah, a lot of months are spent in cold snow and rain! Those months are best spent with a warm drink, a dog to snuggle, and a good book to vacation in! 

I feel like I have accomplished a lot of things in life. I have been married. Had three daughters. Got divorced. I bought a home of my own. I think I did pretty well in the single-mom department as I navigated schooling for a CADTech license while working full-time. I had a small farm with horses and goats, a cat, and a couple of dogs at the time. It was tough! I sold the farm. I bought a smaller property, again, on my own. Then, I got married to an amazing and very supportive husband who brought three girls to our family tree. Yes, that is six daughters. We don't all live together, though. We wish we lived closer to them, but America is so big and they spread out! I love my family. We also love animals! We have dogs and rabbits now. I have had the experience of getting fired and getting hired. I've worked in call centers, in a refinance department, a metal manufacturing company, and a conveyor and crane company. I feel that everyone's life experiences give us more flavor. And I think I've got a decent amount of flavor.

If you're looking for a copyeditor or proofreader who can help you take your writing to the next level, I'd love to chat. Contact me today to learn more about my services. There is a button down below!

Thanks for reading! Now get back to writing!


Some authors I have worked with...